Incorporating sand blasting material as an aggregate.

  Sand blasting aggregates such as “Black Beauty Coal Slag” are a great alternative to conventional aggreagates. In the past, I’ve used standard aggregates such as pea gravel and crushed wine bottle pieces.  What makes me so attracted to coal slag is its emerald green glass quality. When integrated into my mix and then cured, the final polishing stage reveals its true beauty as light reflects off each individual piece.  I used other aggregates with coal slag such as course river sand, marble dust, and tempered glass. When using all of these aggregates together, the polished concrete surface looks nothing like concrete. It almost has a granite stone quality. That is why I love working with this medium…….concrete gives the artisan the creative freedom to replicate any stone surface.

When purchasing small quantities of Black Beauty Coal Slag, you can look for independent retailers in your area that will sell it by the 90 pound bag. Usually it’s only sold by the pallet, but if you explain to them that you’re an artist and that this material is going to be 100% recycled, they’ll probably help you out by giving you a couple of bags that have been broken.

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