Accepted into Jazz Fest 2014 (Second Weekend)
This post is quite late, but I’ve been very busy preparing for this 2014 Jazz Fest. This event is so huge and the possibilities are plentiful. Jazz Fest is, for an exhibiting artist, a logistical process that takes a lot of planning. Getting into Jazz Fest is only the beginning of a long list of responsibilities. For me, the initial thinking process is, “how do I sell my art and do it well with this shaky economy.” How do I represent myself and my art in most marketable way? With the accommodations that Jazz Fest provides, how do I utilize the space to represent my art….presentation is everything. It’s almost as important to create a nice booth display then it is to create art itself. It’s funny how it all comes together in the end. Doing Jazz Fest is a nerve wrecking experience, but it makes me feel fantastic at the end. Time to get busy.
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